Tim Hsu

(Spring 2017) (by Hazel Hsu at age 6)

Hi. I'm a professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at San José State University. Welcome to my homepage at www.timhsu.net!

This semester (Fall 2023), I'm teaching:

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If I have everything set up correctly, that page should have exactly the same content as what you were looking for. If not, try varying upper and lower case in FOO; my new system here is case-sensitive, whereas the old one wasn't. If that doesn't work, please let me know what you were looking for by e-mail at tim.hsu@sjsu.edu, and I'll see what I can do to fix the problem.

And I can't resist one bit of shameless self-promotion: Please check out my AMS/MAA textbook, Fourier Series, Fourier Transforms, and Function Spaces: A Second Course in Analysis (pictured at left). There are a lot of textbooks for a first undergraduate course in analysis, but relatively few for a second course. And my book's approach is a little different than that of other "second course in analysis" books: On the principle of "life is uncertain, eat dessert first", the book aims to tell a fairly complete story of the convergence of Fourier series and Fourier transforms without requiring a course in Lebesgue integration as background. If that sounds interesting, like I said, please check it out!

Office: MacQuarrie Hall 316 (new as of Fall 2021).

Phone: (408)924-5071, fax (408)924-5080.

E-mail: tim.hsu@sjsu.edu. (Note that I no longer use my old email address hsu@math.sjsu.edu. However, I'll probably leave these two sentences on this page in the hope of attracting the attention of future Google searches for hsu@math.sjsu.edu.)

Office hours: TuTh 1-2:15pm by Zoom.

Find me here on Mastodon: @timhsu@mathstodon.xyz

Click on the pictures at the top of this page to see a few more pictures (including a Simpsonized version).

I'm the advisor of many of our students getting the BS Applied Math degree, so if you need advice on your undergraduate degree, please contact me, and I can at least put you in touch with someone who can help.

Click here for more information on SJSU math advising, or more specifically, advising for undergraduate math majors at SJSU.

Other teaching things:

I'm also the SJSU Math Colloquium chair. Click here for current colloquium info.

If you're looking for information about the Center for Applied Mathematics, Computation, and Statistics (CAMCOS), I have completed my term as the Director of CAMCOS. Please contact the current director, Slobodan Simic, for more about CAMCOS.

My research interests are in various areas of discrete mathematics, especially group theory, which is the mathematical study of symmetry through abstract algebra. I am also interested in other topics in algebra and combinatorics. More specifically, my interests include:

In the past, I've also been interested in lattices, knots, discrete subgroups of Lie groups, automorphic forms and functions, ideas related to the inverse Galois problem (e.g., dessins d'enfants) and quantum computation.

If you want more details: My CV.

Mailing address:

Tim Hsu
Department of Mathematics
San José State University
San José, CA 95192-0103

Last updated Oct 17, 2021