SJSU Math Colloquium, Spring 2012-2013

Department of Mathematics

San José State University

Unless otherwise indicated, on colloquium days (Wednesdays unless otherwise noted):

Date Speaker Title (click links for abstracts)
Wed Jan 23 Peter J. Haas, IBM Almaden Research Center Splash: A computational platform for collaborating to solve complex real-world problems
Fri Feb 01 Job candidate talk, 11am, MH320 Algebraic statistics: Hidden Markov Models
Mon Feb 04 Job candidate talk, 3pm, MH320 Fluid mechanics: Arterial blood flow
Wed Feb 06 Job candidate talk, 3pm, MH320 Fluid mechanics: The Navier-Stokes equations
Thu Feb 07 Job candidate talk, 4:30pm, MH423 Fluid mechanics: The Modified Buckley-Leverett equation
Wed Feb 13 Frank Farris, Santa Clara Univ. Undercover symmetry
Mon Feb 18 Job candidate talk, 3pm, MH320 TBA
Wed Feb 20 Linda Green, Dominican Univ. of CA The Topology of Surfaces and the Shape of Space
Wed Feb 27 NO COLLOQUIUM Department meeting
Wed Mar 06 K. Soundararajan, Stanford Univ. Carries, group theory, and additive combinatorics
Mon Mar 11 SPECIAL EVENT Math Career Day (business, industry, government), 3-4:15pm, MH320
Wed Mar 13 Michael Dickerson, former Obama for America The Data-Driven Campaign: Analytics in Election 2012, 3-4pm, Engineering 189
Wed Mar 20 NO COLLOQUIUM Department meeting
Wed Mar 27 NO COLLOQUIUM Spring break
Sat Apr 06 BAD Math Day Spring 2013 10am-5pm, King Library 225/229
Wed Apr 10 Zhenyu (William) Yan, Adobe Systems Predictive analytics and its industrial applications
Wed Apr 17 Sarah Witherspoon, Texas A&M (visiting MSRI) Noncommutative Algebra and Geometry
Wed Apr 24 Ko Honda, USC (visiting Stanford) An invitation to Floer homology
Wed May 08 K. Subramani, West Virginia Univ. A new mathematical programming paradigm

See here for more about the SJSU Math Colloquium.

Useful links: