SJSU Math Colloquium, Spring 2011-2012

Department of Mathematics

San José State University

Unless otherwise indicated, on colloquium days (Wednesdays unless otherwise noted):

Date Speaker Title (click links for abstracts)
Wed Jan 25 Jeff Scargle, NASA Ames Research Center Analyzing Astronomical Time Series and Images (.pdf slides, 7.2MB)
Wed Feb 01 SPECIAL COLLOQUIUM Time: 3:00-3:50
Fri Feb 03 SPECIAL COLLOQUIUM Time: 9:30-10:20
Tue Feb 07 SPECIAL COLLOQUIUM Time: 3:00-3:50
Wed Feb 08 Svante Linusson, KTH/MSRI The probability of the Alabama paradox
Mon Feb 13 SPECIAL COLLOQUIUM Time: 9:30-10:20
Wed Feb 15 SPECIAL COLLOQUIUM Time: 3:00-3:50
Fri Feb 17 SPECIAL COLLOQUIUM Time: 9:30-10:20
Wed Feb 22
Wed Feb 29
Wed Mar 07 Tim Hsu, SJSU Square-gluing puzzles and the Gauss-Bonnet Theorem
Wed Mar 14 SPECIAL EVENT Math Career Day
Wed Mar 21 Serkan Hosten, SFSU Gröbner Bases of Toric Varieties
Wed Apr 04 Cecile Penland, NOAA Markovian Dynamics of El Niño
Wed Apr 11 Peter Winkler, Dartmouth Univ./MSRI On Playing Golf with Two Balls
Wed Apr 18 Javier Arsuaga, SFSU Knot theory and DNA packing
Wed Apr 25 Kate Poirier, UC Berkeley Intersecting loops on surfaces and string topology
Wed May 02 Qiang Wang, UC Davis Center for Neuroscience Distance between brain shapes: How do brains differ, and how do brains change?
Wed May 09 Robert A. Marks, Santa Clara Univ. Effects of Phase Fraction on Equilibrium Phase Morphologies

See here for more about the SJSU Math Colloquium.

Useful links: