Math 145: Topics in geometry and topology
Hyperbolic geometry
MW 1:15, Millikan 211
Spring 2001
About the course:
Here is a brief description of the course.
Possibilities for final projects.
Administrative handouts:
Course syllabus, Information sheet.
Take-home exams:
Exam 1, Exam 2.
Reading assigned in course:
Stahl: Ch. 1 (optional; skim); Ch. 2-9.
Course notes: Ch. 1-8, App. A-C.
Relevant links:
- Instructor:
Tim Hsu.
- Text:
The Poincare Upper Half-Plane, S. Stahl.
- Homework:
Weekly problem sets.
- Exams:
Two midterm exams (probably take-home) plus final project.
- Grading:
Final course grades consist of:
| 30%
Exam 1:
| 20%
Exam 2:
| 20%
| 30%